

Of a Feather, but a Flock Apart

Mariinsky Ballerinas Talk About Starring in ‘Swan Lake’



By GIA KOURLAS January 9, 2015


Yekaterina Kondaurova, the elegant, flame-haired principal of the Mariinsky Ballet, appeared in “Swan Lake” during her first year with the St. Petersburg company in 2001. “I was in the last row of the corps of swans,” she recalled in an email interview. “At the time I thought it was the most frightening thing there could be in life. My arms and legs were shaking so much. It was even hard to stand on my two feet.”

Image: wsj.com “Precision and uniformity are key elements of the Mariinsky’s corps de ballet. Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journall”


Six years later, Ms. Kondaurova was front and center, making her debut in the demanding dual role of Odette-Odile. On Jan. 21, she reprises the part in conjunction with the Mariinsky Theater’s season at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.


What makes a work of art as timeless as “Swan Lake”? In the ballet, the princess Odette is turned into a swan by the sorcerer Rothbart; love will set her free, and she thinks that she’s found it in Prince Siegfried, who pledges himself to her. But at a ball, Siegfried is tricked by Odile, Rothbart’s seductive daughter, and promises to marry her. Suddenly, Odette is back where she started.


Even when the sets are shoddy or the story line clumsily modernized, “Swan Lake” remains a sensational journey in which a Swan Queen tries to find her way back to life as she knew it. No matter if the ending is happy, tragic or somewhere in between, Odette’s battle to reclaim her identity is undeniably moving.


Yet perhaps the true power of “Swan Lake” comes in its synthesis of music and dance. Tchaikovsky’s score, both melancholy and stirring, is where a ballerina finds Odette’s soul and Odile’s fire. That journey is both personal for the dancer and, for audiences, an enthralling chance to see how each dancer explores the nuances of each role. Is she more of a bird or a woman? How does she use her arms, her back, her eyes? How does the music course through her body?


“I’ve been dancing ‘Swan Lake’ for about seven years, and I think my Odette has changed more,” Ms. Kondaurova said. “You get that depth, that sadness, so that it doesn’t look superficial, so that she’s not just a pathetic girl or a swan that’s displaying serpent-like arms. Odile was always this energy-charged girl who could bewitch any man, yet at the same time she’s not a serious vamp, she’s just a girl full of the joys of life.”


In conjunction with the Mariinsky Ballet’s Brooklyn season, which opens Thursday, four ballerinas — a breathtaking array of sophistication and youthful dew — answered questions about Odette-Odile through email. Along with Ms. Kondaurova, performing the lead are the glittering Viktoria Tereshkina, the refined veteran Ulyana Lopatkina and the first soloist Oxana Skorik. If you imagine that ballerinas, especially those in Russia, have no generosity, think again: For Ms. Tereshkina, Ms. Lopatkina is the ideal Odette: “I’ll admit that no one, anywhere in the world dances the White Swan better than she does.”


Ms. Lopatkina, the Mariinsky’s reigning ballerina, made her Odette-Odile debut in 1994 and dances the role this Jan. 16. “It is the plasticity of the swan’s wings, in my opinion, that makes this image of the swan maiden legendary in the history of ballet,” she said. “And, of course, the two contrasting images with the same face — that is a particular feature of this work. How do you depict the difference between the natures of the two heroines and the difference in their souls?”


Like it or not, the popularity of “Swan Lake,” first performed at the Mariinsky Theater in 1895, has only grown with the 2010 release of the film “Black Swan,” which introduced the ballet to new audiences. The Mariinsky’s production of “Swan Lake” is one of the finest, even with its cheerful ending in which Siegfried, Odette’s beloved, tears off Rothbart’s wing and removes his power. For many, a tragic ending carries more pathos, more weight, yet Ms. Skorik, who dances Jan. 22, likes it the way it is.


“A happy end in the American style,” she said. “I prefer it when love conquers evil. I’ve seen a version where she dies, but it’s sad. There’s so much sadness in life, sometimes you need to see a fairy tale.”


Before Ms. Kondaurova performed other renditions of the ballet, the Mariinsky’s ending made sense. “But when I danced in other versions, I began to think the tragic finale was closer to me,” she said. “Because this is not a Disney fairy tale where everything works out well. Someone has to be punished for these deceived emotions.”


For Ms. Kondaurova, Odette is a girl, not a bird; her most important quality is her sadness. “After all, this is not her first day as an enchanted girl, and she is probably in despair at the thought of ever finding some way out of this existence,” she said. “She understands that she herself can’t escape these confines. When she meets the prince, I believe she sees a glimmer of hope. We don’t know if he is the first such to have approached her, but that hope springs up, even though at the start of the act she is hesitant to trust him. I think that in the character there is always a hint of tragedy and anxiety, even when everything is O.K.

” コンダウローワにとってオデットは白鳥ではなく女性だ。最も重要な部分は女性の悲しみだ。「結局、魔力にかかってしばらく経っていて、おそらく、この状態から抜け出せることがあるのだろうかと絶望の中にいるのだと思います。この囚われの状態から抜け出すことはできないことを、オデットはわかっているんです。そして、王子に出会って一縷の望みを持ったのだと思います。ジークフリートの前にもそのような出会いがあったのかどうかはわかりません。でも、そのような希望が突然湧き上がった。最初は王子を信じることをためらっていますが。オデットには、すべてがうまくいっているとしても、必ず悲劇性と憂慮が見え隠れしているのだと思います。」とコンダウローワが語った。

In life, Ms. Tereshkina, who first performed the dual role during her second year at the theater and will again this Thursday and Jan. 23, sees herself more as an Odette — while not so sad — yet finds it both easier and more pleasing to dance as Odile. “Her colors are stronger,” she said.


As Odile, Ms. Tereshkina experiences “a true victory, both in the music and in the choreography — that’s when you hear this storm of applause.” She recalled one performance when, after her last turn, a black cat ran across the stage. “No one could explain its presence,” she said, “It just appeared and instantly vanished.”


Image: wsj.com ” Viktoria Tereshkina and Valdimir Shklyraov rehearse ‘Swan Lake.’ Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal”

Odile’s 32 fouetté turns are famous, epitomizing virtuosity and triumph, but as Odette, the accent is placed more on the arms and the back. Ms. Skorik aims for a soft, floating quality. “I always demand little pas de bourrées and a catlike transition, liquidity,” she said. “I think the swan flies precisely like that — slowly. I want to achieve gentle transitions, without sharp movements, so that everything has the proper plasticity.”


Some nights, she said, her Odette is better, and on others, it’s Odile. That’s a riveting part of “Swan Lake”: when a dancer surprises even herself. “Each time,” Ms. Tereshkina said, “it depends only on you, and it always happens differently, like in life. The stage can be very fickle.”


Certainly there’s a special thrill when it comes to embracing a new Odette-Odile, but watching an experienced dancer can be more fulfilling, especially as she accumulates more color, more depth — not simply as a ballerina, but as a woman.


Image: wsj.com ” Ulyana Lopatkina is lifted by her partner. Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal

“Over the years,” Ms. Lopatkina said, “I have come to see this ballet not so much as a legend, not as a fairy tale, but much more as a real-life story and as a reflection of our own lives. Love of which everyone dreams, the trial of temptation, the wrong choice, repentance, forgiveness and the victory of all-forgiving love — all of this has a place in today’s world. Here, too, in real life, we really need hope! Hope for a happy end.”



Image: wsj.com ” Diana Vishneva, center, and dancers of the Mariinsky Ballet prepare for their run at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, through Jan. 25, at a studio in the BAM Fisher building. Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal