

Caravaggio to be buried in Tuscan memorial park


Baroque master’s remains were discovered in a local church in 2010


Image: caravaggio.com

Four hundred and four years after his death, the remains of Caravaggio will be buried near the Tuscan coastal town of Porto Ercole in a memorial park due to open on 18 July. Mystery surrounded the circumstances of Caravaggio’s death for centuries. Porto Ercole had been identified as the artist’s final resting place, but the whereabouts of his body was not known until Silvano Vinceti, the president of the Caravaggio Foundation, and a team of experts discovered the artist’s remains in a local church in 2010.


Vinceti has led the project to build the Parc Monumental Funeraire, which has been funded by the Caravaggio Foundation and the council of Monte Argentario (which owns the land) at a total cost of €65,000.

ヴィンチェッティ氏が中心となって、Parc Monumental Funeraire建設プロジェクトが進み、カラヴァッジオ財団とパークを所有するモンテ・アルジェンタリオ評議会が65,000ユーロ出資した。

Caravaggio’s remains will be housed under a monumental arch created by the sculptor Giuseppe Conte, which will be topped with a ceramic basket of fruits inspired by Caravaggio’s famous still-lifes. The park will also include colourful and fragrant Mediterranean plants such as jasmine, lavender and rosemary. “The site, rich in smells and colours, is conceived as a joyous, not sad, memorial to Caravaggio,” Vinceti told Le Journal des Arts.

カラヴァッジオの遺骨は、彫刻家ジュセッペ・コンテ作の巨大なアーチの下に埋葬され、その上にカラヴァッジオの静物画からヒントを得たセラミックのフルーツバスケットが飾られる。また、パークにはジャズミンやラヴェンダー、ローズマリーなど地中海地方の色とりどりの香り高い植物が植えられる。「香りと色彩豊かなこの場所に、寂しさではなく喜びに満ちたカラヴァッジオの記念碑ができます」と、ヴィンチェッティ氏がLe Journal des Arts誌に語っている。

Building on the memorial began in June last year and the inauguration is due to take place on 18 July, the date of Caravaggio’s death. During the ceremony, the artist’s remains will be interred.
